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Syracuse Community


Columbia has overstayed its welcome in Harlem

The recent move by Columbia students and tenant organization The United Front Against Displacement to protest the gentrification of their city and implementation of the university's Co-Designing Smart Cities course is a testimonial to the institution’s continuous disregard for its surrounding Black communities. Read more »

Personal Essay

Don't give up the fight for reproductive rights, there are others standing with you

Make no mistake, this decision is specifically about control and limiting the rights of individuals. However, it’s also about so much more than that. When one federal right is stripped away from people, who is to say what’s next on the chopping block? The impact of this decision has caused genuine trauma for folks, causing feelings of pain, isolation and panic. Read more »


Dear SU students, the Syracuse community is your home too

When the city proposed constructing the I-81 viaduct, 15th Ward residents rallied together and fought to keep their homes, businesses and memories from being demolished. With the Urban Renewal Project, which brought the city the Everson Museum, government buildings and an expansion of Downtown Syracuse, it was becoming clear that 15th Ward residents had to leave. Read more »