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Duck: Rainu George

Asst. Editorial Editor | Spring 2022; Editorial Editor | Fall 2022

Remi Jose | Illustration Editor

I never knew that when I picked up a copy of The Daily Orange newspaper on move-in day that I would be running a section of the very paper I was holding. The Daily Orange didn’t just give me an actual work ethic, but also some friends that’ll cherish for the rest of my life.

Micaela: If it wasn’t for the chance you took to hire me as your assistant editor, none of this would have happened. You were an amazing opinion editor and I don’t tell you this enough, but I look up to you in many ways. Never did I think I would find my best friends at a college newspaper, but thank goodness I did! You are such a strong and level-headed person and I wanted to be just like you when I was the editor. No matter how much stress you were under, you never showed Julia and I any of it and you made being an op editor look so easy, but that’s just who are. Thank you for entrusting me with the op section and not letting me crash and burn, I hope I made you proud. 

Julia:  I don’t even know where to begin! You’re my partner in crime and navigating this section with you by my side has been a privilege. I didn’t know when I met you for the first time in the opinion room that I would have you by my side for life; although we only met last year, I feel like I’ve known you for far longer. Whenever All too well (10-minute version) (Taylors version) song comes on, I think of you and Micaela, and us singing like we don’t have a deadline to meet- but you know what! we brought great vibes to the house. You inspire me to be a better journalist and wherever we are in the future, I know you’ll always have my back, just as I got yours. Thanks for being my backbone this semester, I couldn’t have done this without you. I can’t wait to see all that you’ll accomplish.

Hamere: I knew you were going to be amazing when I interviewed you. You speak your mind and more importantly, you stand up for others. That’s a quality that not a lot of editors have, but you do it with ease. Your insight was smart and well-thoughtout, and you always impress me with your work. I got really lucky with you and Julia because you guys truly had my back. You always think everything through and that is what you an amazing editor. No matter where you are in life, you can give me a call and we’ll end up talking for hours, just like a typical prodo night. I can’t wait to see what you’re gonna do as the opinion editor but I’m already so proud. Cori and I have been waiting for this, Good luck Op editor! 

Jana: I knew that we would be great friends from the minute you walked into the op room and said that you liked our vibes! Julia and I considered you one of us and we would always ask you to come to the op room. I love analyzing people with you and coming to bizarre conclusions! What I’m going to miss the most is pretending to report gossip like it’s breaking news to you and us dissecting everything. You’re a smart and dedicated editor and seeing the work you put into each story is inspiring. Whatever you do, you do it flawlessly. You are always so composed when I see you working hard and you are going to make an amazing news editor.

Jean, Stefanie and Neil: Jean and Stefanie, I’m so glad that you guys are going to the next Opinion assistants and that op is run by all by women editors, again! We got to watch you guys grow as writers and now, to exceptional editors. I can’t wait to see what you guys do and please keep the Taylor Swift tradition alive. Neil, even though you’re in News, remember your roots, aka, Opinion!

Rachel: From writing latin poetry for your during headeds meeting and frantically panicking over budget with you, we survived our head editor role. You were my anchor this semester because I could come to you with anything. I’m going to miss seeing you come into the Op room to lay on the floor but I hope this coming semester as Managing Editor treats you better.

Siron: We truly are the survivors of South Campus and it’s kinda crazy that it took a whole month for us to figure out that we are neighbors. You’re an amazing DME and I’m gonna miss our coffee run before Sunday meeting and scaring you abruptly around the house. 

Kyle: You are so passionate and dedicated to the D.O. and seeing how hard you work made me want to work harder. News and Op work together and us bouncing ideas off each other has been very helpful! I’m gonna miss seeing you pace back and forth but I do care about you so this break is essential.  

Morgan: When I tell you I owe you a vital organ, I’m not joking. I truly appreciate all the last minute illos, adding another page for opinion and all the support I got from you. Even when I could tell you were frustrated that I was asking a lot from you, you’ll still do it for me and tell me it’s okay! I know ‘fast-react’ is a triggering word for the both of us! It’s funny, in the beginning of the year I thought you hated me, but in time I came to realize that I made a great friend. 

Megan: Megan! When we start having a conversation, it doesn’t end till one of us leaves. Your presence is always calming and you’re so easy to talk to. You’re an amazing designer and I’ll always be here for you! I’m glad you are getting the break that you deserve and we can go crazy in LONDON! 

Stephanie Zaso: I don’t know what it’s about you but you never fail to make me laugh. I would look at you when I’m passing by and I would burst into laughter. I loved coming to bother you when you were studiously designing a graphic. I told the op assistants to pitch crazy graphics so you don’t entirely forget me. I’m going to miss seeing you around the house but you’re a talented and dedicated designer and you’re going to be an amazing DDD. (P.S. I will never forget our actual first conversation)

Kate, Anthony and Ofentse: I’m going to miss coming to disturb you guys and especially our All Too Well (10 min version) performance. You guys are so fun to be around and I’m so glad that the op room is right across from culture! I love you guys!

Nina: I know it’s a good day when you stop by the Op room and try to scare me. I’m going to miss seeing you around the house but I know we’ll see each other otherwise. You are one of a kind and I’m so glad I met you this semester. 

Anish: You always have a cheery personality and it’s fun to be around you in the house. Sorry I intentionally leave sports out when I’m giving a tour to a columnist. You carried the sports section really well and I wish we had more “fit checks” this semester.

Richard and Maggie: I learned a lot from the both of you. And Maggie, I really appreciate that I could come to you with ideas and that you were supportive.

Amma and Appa & Reenu and Robin: Amma and Appa, everything I was able to accomplish, I owe it to you guys. You guys taught me to be resilient and have unwavering faith in God. Thank you for giving me everything and trusting me to make my own path, I love you both immensely with my whole heart. 

Dear siblings, it must be very difficult having a little sister that is far superior to you both. One day, maybe in the distant future, you’ll reach there? Also, I don’t think you guys know what I do in college so, yea, I was the Opinion Editor at The Daily Orange… 

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