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Duck: Nathan Fenningdorf

Opinion Editor | Fall 2021; Culture Editor| Spring 2022

Yiwei He | Illustration Editor

When I first entered The Daily Orange, I never imagined that my time working here would completely change my life — but it has.

Rachel: From the first day in-house this semester, you brought energy and enthusiasm into the culture section. I immediately knew that you were going to play a major part in the section in the future — and here you are, the queen of the culture section. You are undoubtedly going to do great things as Culture editor next semester, I can’t wait to see everything you and the rest of the in-house staffers do. You are the all-time goat of coverages, and you don’t know how much I appreciate the many hours you spent at events around campus this semester. Lastly, there better be pictures of Loafie on every wall in the room when I come in next semester.

Kota: Dakota, you were the glue to the Culture section this semester. Without you, we would have been a different (worse) section. Thank you for always putting up with my trolling, for answering my random questions, and for giving me thoughtful advice on any crazy situation I told you about. Also, thank you for introducing me to SOULutions. You are one of the most quick-witted, smart people that I have ever met. Whenever there was a problem with a story, or anything else DO related, you were the first person I went to because of the original perspective you bring to everything you do.

Anthony Bailey: I am so happy that you worked in-house this semester. You amazed me with your creativity and commitment to the section this semester. You may not know it, but you came into the first day with confidence, something that definitely is noticeable, and stands out. Keep this confidence going forward — and for the record, it is warranted. Also, if you ever see those pants (you know which ones I mean) please purchase them for me — I hope I can rock them like you do.

Siron: I can’t imagine the Culture section without you. You have the rare ability of being able to put a smile on every person’s face who you talk to. You’re caring, smart and funny, and I can speak for everyone in the Culture section in saying that it would have been a tough semester without you. Interestingly, when I was the op editor last semester, I noticed that everyone was always excited to see you when you were in-house, I now know why. It’s because you have an infectious energy that is so great to be around. I am thrilled that you will be DME next semester and I know you are going to do an amazing job.

Sopcoh: I’m pretty sure that you were the culture-staffer with the most on your plate this semester, and I don’t think I ever heard you complain about being overworked or having to pick up another story for us. You brought a refreshing, uplifting vibe in-house this semester and you always had a smile on your face. Past that, you wrote some of my favorite pieces of the year. You were an invaluable member of the team this semester, and I’m super excited to listen to your DO podcasts next semester. Pesto and pickles.

Sophia Moore: One of the most cheerful people I have ever met. As a freshman, you came into the copy editor role — with a ton on your plate outside of the DO — and did an unbelievable job. Your attention to detail and drive to do more really showed who you are as a person, and we are extremely lucky to have had you in-house this semester. I am happy to say that with your influence, I have become somewhat of a titanic fan myself. You are 100% responsible for that.

Lou: Lou, you taught me so much in my transition to culture editor. Past that, you had a tremendous influence on everyone who worked in the section this semester. It is 100% fair to say that without your guidance, all of us would be in a very different place as journalists and leaders. Thanks for trusting me to take the reins of the section this semester, your willingness to help whenever I needed it helped way more than you know. I know you are going to do great things in the future, keep being the thoughtful, caring person that everyone knows you to be.

Emily Steinberger: I have never met anyone who has been so dedicated to any one cause. The amount of tireless work you put into this entire year was incredible, and cannot be overlooked. I have talked about the impact you have had on me to so many people — and I am truly lucky that you mentored me for the past year. I came in-house not knowing what to expect, and you took me under your wing and ensured that I felt comfortable and accepted into the DO community. You found a way to successfully run the machine that is the DO, all while being a joyful, caring boss who looked out for everyone in-house. You are going to do incredible things in the future, I am super excited to see where you end up! Can’t wait until we link in LA this summer!!

Mandy Kraynak: As a former culture editor, the guidance you gave me always carried a ton of weight. Thank you for thoughtfully answering my millions of questions, and hearing me out during my long rants of any and everything. You were an incredibly valuable part of the house this semester, and your commitment to churning out quality content was unlike anyone else’s. I am looking forward to seeing what you do post-grad!

Tony: My Italian Stallion. You did an incredible job this semester, all while being a charismatic, fun-loving boss to everyone in-house. The uplifting energy you brought to every night of production this semester, rubbed off on everyone who you were around. It was great seeing you go from Sports Digital to DME, that is a huge jump, but you did a great job leading the digital side of things this semester.

Richard Perrins: I’m stoked to see what you do as EIC next year. Not once have I heard you complain about anything, even when it was 2 a.m. and you had a half dozen more Culture Q&A’s to read. That really speaks to who you are as a leader and person. I know you are going to do great things as EIC and beyond. Shoot me a text when you need a TikTok.

Cori Dill: Cori, thank you so much for trusting me to take over the opinion section — I would not be in the position I am in if you didn’t take that leap of faith on me. Appreciate all of the guidance you gave me — and all of the quick responses when I was panicking my first week in-house.

Meghan Hendricks: Thank you for taking dozens of amazing, last-second photos for Culture this semester. You clutched up countless times and provided us with overwhelmingly great photos. Keep bringing your infectious energy and funny stories to everything you do in the future. I’ll always remember

Dan Egan: You know who you are. Calling it right now. In all seriousness, Danny, I know you are going to do big things in the future. Excited to see how you progress through The D.O. and beyond. Also looking forward to the tour of the Capitol Building.

Anish: You have great taste in music, and if the sports writing doesn’t work out, always know that you can fall back on music journalism. I’m excited to see everything you do as Sports editor next semester.

Cirino: While you aren’t the #1 NYCFC fan, you are the #1 food columnist. Thanks for the sports-chat and amazing food spreads.

Micaela Warren: You have grown so much since our first day in-house together. From our hours-long conversations last semester, to some of the great work in op this semester, you have always been a really impressive editor. Watching you step into the headed role this semester has been awesome to see, and I am very proud of everything you accomplished this semester.

Hank: Our honorary culture member. You wrote some of the best screentime columns of the year — all while working long, long hours in sports. Thank you for bringing a big grin and funny commentary into the Culture section every time you came in this semester, we definitely consider you as one of us.

Maya: 203 buddies. Thanks for everything you did for culture this semester, your creative work was the cherry on top for a lot of pieces this semester. Always loved when you kept us company during the late nights this semester.

Abby Weiss: Another 203 buddy. You were one of the first people who really gave me confidence while working as op editor last semester, I am really thankful for that. I will never forget the days you came in after being up all night with the stomach bug. Truly one of the hardest working DO staffers I’ve seen.

Connor Smith: Sorry for stealing your stories… even if the culture angle was better. It has been awesome being a head editor alongside you this semester. Looking at your budget humbled me through the semester when I thought the Culture budget wasn’t manageable. The monster truck story should’ve been ours. Just kidding.

Mom, Dad, Lauren, Eva, Hailey and Kooka: Thank you guys for always pushing me to do more and for continually telling me that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. Also, mom, thanks for talking on the phone with me on my late night walks home, glad I never got kidnapped. Love you guys.

Carolyn and Earl Fenningdorf (Grandma and Grandpa): Thank you guys for reading all of my articles and columns over the past three years. Your names are now in The Daily Orange forever. Love you.

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