Gallery: Celebrating the season's first snow, Syracuse-style

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
Sprawled in the inches of snow on campus today, students made snow angels and enjoyed the weather.

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
After playing with boards near the hill outside of Crouse College, students posed for a picture. Some people wore colorful scarves, hats and jackets, while others hustled from one building to another underdressed for the storm.

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
Three hearts lay drawn on the snowy hill in front of the Hall of Languages. Throughout the day, the community used the blankets of white as a canvas for their creativity.

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
A group of friends engage in a snowball fight with the body of the snowman they had just built. There were groups of friends scattered throughout campus engaging in winter fun.

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
Chloe Gao, Janet Chuang and Cui Chang build a small snowman which they take selfies with.

Joe Zhao | Assistant Photo Editor
People take cover under a warmly lit bus stop as they await their ride. Business on campus continued as normal but with a winter twist.

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
Snowmobiles and tractors get to work in order to keep campus safe for pedestrians. With heated walkways and salted staircases, students and faculty do their best to avoid slipping and falling.

Joe Zhao | Assistant Photo Editor
Despite the persistent flurry, Syracuse fans walked to the JMA Wireless Dome for the night's men's basketball game. The Orange played LSU and won.

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
As darkness fell, the campus street lights illuminated trees that were decorated with fall leaves only a couple of weeks ago. Snow continued to fall late into the evening.

Cassandra Roshu | Photo Editor
SU students took refuge in campus buildings to avoid the influx of cold weather and brace themselves to face the snow.

Joe Zhao | Assistant Photo Editor
Sled marks left by SU students cover Crouse Hill, where they sledded on snowboards, cardboard sleds and more. As the building was overtaken by flurries of snow, light posts brighten the staircase up to the school.