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Duck: Jana Seal

Asst. Digital Editor | Spring 2022; Asst. News Editor | Fall 2022; News Editor | Spring 2023

Illustration by Remi Jose

Asst. Digital Editor | Spring 2022; Asst. News Editor | Fall 2022; News Editor | Spring 2023

The D.O. has been a lot of things for me. Most concrete among those things, it’s been my home base for the last year and a half.

I’ve trudged up the creaky stairs of 230 Euclid, all disgruntled on days I just wanted to go for a drive and scream. I’ve run up them skipping steps after returning from an A1 coverage I had to turn around immediately. I’ve dragged myself to their top half asleep, bounded up them after triumphs, stumbled up them at what were seemingly the only parties I ever went to— life was ever-evolving, but this place was a constant.

Of course, the people make the place, and this place runs on such dedication, talent, relentlessness, creativity, and care. To everyone who’s colored my time at this paper, thank you:

Kyle: I always knew you’d be back here. The dedication and love you have for this paper is simply unrivaled, and I’m excited for whatever it is you have up your sleeve. Your draw to finding stories and telling them well is so special, and your care for the people around you is so admirable. I know that often means internalizing everyone else’s struggles— so thank you for sitting on the floor with me at my absolute worst, being my literal shoulder to cry on, and for caring so much. None of that is easy. I also know how heavy and corrosive a lot of this job and this field can be: I hope you can remember that this work matters, but so do you. The world keeps spinning.

Richard: I can’t imagine how much weight you’ve felt this year, but I so admire your strong sense of self and leadership through it all. Thank you for trusting in my ideas, and for getting me in the door. I hope you get to take a beat. You deserve it.

Tony: I very much appreciate you. Thank you for your friendship, and thank you for showing me what this place could do for me. I hope I lived up to the future in News you always said I had.

Anish: When I saw you coming in and really getting to work over the last few weeks, I couldn’t hide my excitement: it’s so clear that you’re the exact force The D.O. needs in this moment. I’ll always be around to help with anything News.

Maggie: The first story of mine you edited was a print A1 coverage of a protest, days after the draft opinion to overturn Roe leaked. It was a quick turnaround, and I already felt charged, beaten down, and scared; after it was in final, you told me the story was beautifully written. That meant so much to me. The paper is better for your decision to come back last semester, and for a minute, so were the upstairs rooms that could hear your Lumineers playing.

Sophie Szydlik: I’m so excited for you. I really do wish I had gotten to know you better, but from what I do know, you are going to do this job such justice. Shut the computer when you need to, turn off your phone when it won’t stop buzzing, and keep being the theater kid this house needs.

Francis: Let’s be sure to have a cocktail in Manhattan as soon as possible. I’m astounded by your grasp of language and syntax, but of course those are only the building blocks— your talent as a reporter and as a political mind are even more inspiring. Thank you for being a friend. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

Santiago: Your eye and your talent are stunning, and your ability to make a room feel alive is rare. Thank you for putting up with the ‘Janaverse’ on Wednesdays, and thank you for dealing with News’s late nights and holdups. I know a lot was often and frustratingly out of your creative control, but you always manage to create something fantastic— may you have no more Trolley Problems.

Anthony Bailey and Cole: Being a headed alongside you two was a joy. I’m so impressed with the sports guides this semester, and weed guide was such a great success. Thank you for being so easy to work with— we did it!

Hamere: It’s true that you’re a fighter, but that’s only when you need to be. In reality, you’re someone who believes in the pursuit of truth, feels raw passion, and embodies real conviction; don’t let anyone characterize you by your doing what you need to in order to be heard. Coming down to Op somehow ameliorates the most stressful of nights, and that’s all you— your attitude shines such a light on my days.

Neil: I did love having you in News, but I was so excited when I heard you would be going back to Op. I hope you get to work on stories you care about, and that you can have perspective and patience. Good luck!

Tyler: When I talk about this place being a constant for me, believe me when I say that you embody that. Unwaveringly, you’re happy, kind, open— all qualities that are going to make you a fantastic sports editor and a memorable leader. I’ll miss seeing you in-house every day.

Brittany Miller: Your dry wit and sly humor are such a sneak attack to anyone who sees so limited a version of you as I saw at first: a quiet, dedicated editor who gets sh*t done. You’re so reliable and talented, and I appreciate you stepping up in News. Also: thanks for always putting me at the top of the pyramid!

Julia Kahen: You are such a light. Every time I see you I walk away happier than before, and I hope we can spend more time together in the fall.

Shantel: My D.O. big! I was intimidated and overwhelmed on my first night in-house, but you made me feel so welcome. You have such a cool talent for finding original and exciting stories, and I will very much miss seeing you on campus… please be sure to visit often!

Grace Katz: You’re such a pleasure to have in the newsroom, and I’m so glad this semester worked out the way it did. It’s been so nice to have you sitting at the desk across from me again— even when you accidentally finish my oh-so-anticipated crossword.

Katie McClellan: I adore you and I miss you, and I so value our bond. Working with you at The D.O. was a privilege, but being your friend is more an honor than anything. See you soon!

Kendall: I still remember the first thing I said to management after you left the Zoom call for your job interview: “That girl is a ray of sunshine!” Somehow, five months later and after working with you at your most tired and overworked through the early hours of the morning, I’ve never seen that statement ring untrue. This place is lucky to have you for another semester. Trust that you have a real instinct for bringing people to life on the page, and remember that the work you do matters to those people more than you know.

Dom: You are a marvel. I sometimes wonder if you secretly have Hermione’s time turner, and whether that’s why you seem to have double the hours in your day compared to the rest of us. But alas, you’re just an absolute machine, and a damn good reporter. You’ve solidified your position here, and my hope is that you can find confidence in that and trust that you very much know what you’re doing.

Meghan Hendricks: Few people have given more of themselves to a section than you have. Your dedication to photo is great, but your presence in the house is even greater. You are deserving — of credit, of friendship, of love and of success — beyond your outward efforts and acts of service. Know that people so appreciate everything you do for them, but also know that they appreciate you more.

Rainu: I think one only comes across a few people in life who they can lock in with and not quiet for hours. You, for me, are one of those few rare people. From us starting this craziness together, to me trickling down to Op over time, to now, I feel so lucky that you’ve become one of my closest friends. Thank you for being my package-deal person, and thank you for being you. Your zest for work and life and people makes me want to be better and work harder.

Rachel: You are love and warmth and all things gentle and kind. I’ve come to know a new kind of steadfast friendship and support because of you, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this dense and jam-packed time we’ve had together. I’d say I’m going to miss seeing you every day, but I know we’ll be side-by-side no matter what. Thank you for always making sure I get home safe.

Stephanie Wright: You know what you want, and you don’t take anyone’s sh*t— those qualities will serve you well in this job. The nights can get long, the procession of days can feel endless, and it’s easy to become short-sighted. Always remember to zoom out and refocus on what matters. Also remember to have fun! This job can be so rewarding, and I know you’ll squeeze everything you can out of it. I have so much belief in you and in your vision.

Amanda: Dear, please do write soon. I fear we haven’t made an instagram story explaining high school journalism-related Supreme Court cases in ages, and I’m growing tired. Thank you for being such a part of my beginning as a reporter. I hope we always think of our titles as ‘co-EICs,’ even when we get married for tax purposes.

Nana, Grandad: The way you believe in me means the world and then some. Thank you for everything. Adam, Gage, and little mister Søren: I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you for dealing with all the craziness I’ve imposed on you because of this job… I promise I’ll be on my phone less now!

Mom and Shean: Anything I see in myself, I see because you saw it first. Thank you for reading my stories, thank you for caring even when you don’t understand what I’m doing, and thank you for being the best support system I could ever ask for. Shean— I’m not sure how you’ve put up with me and believed in me so much, but it’s made all the difference. Mom— you’re my very best friend. I love you guys.

• • •

Goodnight, news!

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