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Duck: Maya Goosmann

Design editor | Fall 2020-Spring 2021; Digital Design Director Fall 2021-Spring 2022

Yiwei He | Illustration Editor

During my freshman year at Syracuse, the thought of working at the Daily Orange never once crossed my mind. A month into my sophomore year, during a random late-night burst of impulse, I decided to apply for an open design position. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

When I first started out, I wondered when I would get tired of working there. I figured it would all get old eventually. To my surprise, it never did.

The D.O. was the first place I ever felt like I truly belonged. It was a place where I could leave all my problems at the door, and be surrounded by the most wonderful, talented people I’ve ever met. During my four semesters here, I have grown so much as a designer and person, and I couldn’t have done it without the most incredible support system of staffers here. I am so incredibly attached to this paper, and I can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye.

Emily and Mandy: Thank you for taking a chance on me as digital design director, and for the constant support and encouragement. You both have truly put your everything into running this paper. Please take some time for yourself next year. You both deserve it more than anyone.

Richard: You are so smart, and I know the future of this paper is in incredible hands. Good luck!

Shantel: You’re so fun to hang out with, and I loved when you would come into visuals to listen to Taylor Swift with me. I’m so sad I won’t be around to see you next semester, but I know you’re gonna crush it in culture!

Danny A: I’m glad you came to me for help with designing your substack, because it gave me the chance to get to know you better. I always enjoy you coming into visuals during our down time to show me funny tweets. You gave me some much needed laughs during stressful nights, and it’s always fun talking to you. Keep in touch!

Maggie: You are one of the sweetest souls I’ve ever met. You really helped me break out of my shell my first two semesters here, and I am so grateful for that. Despite the long, late nights, news was consistently my favorite section to design for because of the wonderful energy you brought to the room. I’m so glad you came back, and I know you’ll be an amazing managing editor.

Mira: Thank you for always hyping up my designs. It really improved my confidence in my work here, and your gratitude always means a lot to me. The 4/20 guide was one of my favorite projects I’ve ever worked on, and I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make such cool things without you!

Francis: You have the coolest style here, and I’ve always loved seeing your outfits. I’ll miss all your funny contributions to the overheard channel.

Grace: I can’t believe we live so close to each other! It’s been nice having you around, and you have excellent music taste.

Kyle: Congratulations on learning what a mac is. I promise I’ll eventually stop teasing you about making me cry on transition night. I can’t believe how far you’ve come, from that chaotic night where I first met you, to you becoming news editor. You’re going to be amazing. I’m sorry I lied to you that one time when I said that I was pirating an episode of Glee because I was too embarrassed to admit I paid actual money for it. I hope you’ll let me live it down eventually. I’ll miss you next semester! Please take care of James while I’m gone.

Nate: You crushed it running culture this semester. You’ve got great music taste, and it’s always cool having another 203 person in the house!

Rachel: I’m so sad I didn’t start coming down to culture and talking to your beautiful face sooner, because you’ve quickly become one of my favorite people here. I’m gonna miss you hyping me up every day, and I know you’re gonna be incredible as culture editor. YOU deserve all the hype. Please send me Loafie updates while I’m gone.

Siron: You’re probably the coolest person I know. Our hangouts are some of my favorite memories this year! Thank you for letting me escape to your apartment whenever things get hectic. I am so happy we became friends, and I’ll miss you a ton next semester. You’re going to be a phenomenal DME, and I can’t wait to see what you do.

Skylar: It didn’t matter whether it was an illo or the most boring, basic bar graph – you hyped up EVERYTHING I ever made for sports, and you have no idea how happy it made me. You’re so talented, and such a fun person to be around.

Adam: We’ve both come a long way from JNL 211, and I’m so glad I got the chance to work with you for a semester. Thank you for being patient with my endless questions about your pitches. I know you’re going to go on to do great things!

Hank: I’m sorry for constantly threatening to write you out of the duck, and I’m sorry I apologize too much. I’m working on it. Kinda. Thank you for always keeping me company in visuals this semester. You are such a fun and easy person to talk to, and you made the slow nights bearable. I’m so glad we’re friends, and I will forever associate the hole in my basement wall with you. Please, please keep in touch.

Max: I hope you get to rearrange the visuals room exactly how you want to next semester. I have high expectations.

Nabeeha: Thank you for teaching me everything I needed to know about designing this paper. You are such a sweet, patient person, and you really helped me find my footing here. You are an insanely talented artist, and I know you’re gonna do amazing things.

Meghan: You bring such a fun energy to the house. I love your chaos, and you’re always cracking me up. The wizard hat suits you well because you are truly a photo wizard. I’m always amazed by all of your pictures, and the paper would not be as beautiful as it is without you. I’ll miss you a lot next semester.

Lucy: Thank you for listening to me blab about music and tv shows all night during prodo last semester, and I’m sorry about the nonstop Taylor Swift. You are so fun to talk to, and you have great taste in everything. I am so excited about the Phoebe Bridgers concert coming up. I will probably cry.

Morgan: You are such a talented designer, and it’s been so cool seeing your print designs evolve over the semester. You’re so sweet, and you’ve always brought such a calming vibe to the visuals room. It’s been so great having you around, and I’m so excited to see what you do as PD.

Megan: The first day I worked with you, I immediately knew you would be a star. Every single graphic you make blows me away, and you somehow manage to turn even the simplest pitches into something special. You’ve been such an incredible assistant, and I can’t thank you enough for putting up with my chaos and endless requests. I am so sad to be leaving my position, but I am even more excited to see what you do as the next Digital Design Director. You’re gonna crush it.

Shannon: My first day working here, you asked me if I wanted to go on a trip to the Adirondacks with you. I didn’t know you or anything about you, but for some reason I said yes. I’m so grateful I did. Not only was it (and the second trip!) one of my favorite college memories, but it was also the start of a wonderful friendship with you. Maybe I’d never admit it out loud, but I’ve always looked up to you as a designer and person. You put your absolute all into everything, and I’ve learned so much from you. You have the warmest, kindest personality, and your calmness has always balanced out all of my chaos these past two years. You are truly the heart of this paper.

Danny K: Our brains function exactly the same way and it scares me, but it also makes me feel seen. You are so cool, and I’m so glad we became good friends this semester. You also have an incredible sense of humor, and I love laughing with you on print nights. Please never stop telling the ribs story – it somehow gets funnier every time. My favorite memory with you is probably when we decided to make miso soup at 1am after prodo. I’m so excited to go abroad with you, and I can’t wait to see what kind of adventures we’ll have in Copenhagen. I hope grocery stores in Denmark are less overstimulating for both of us. But probably not.

Abby: I don’t think I can even put into words how much love and appreciation I have for you. I was honestly so overwhelmed when I first became digital design director, but it was your guidance and incredible ideas that made coming into work my favorite part of the day. It’s what made me decide to do it all over again for a second semester. You are so kind and comforting, and I always felt like I could talk to you about literally anything. Even within all of the chaos of our jobs, you would still make time to sit and hang out with me, and it was always my favorite part of the night. You are such a talented and incredible person. Don’t ever sell yourself short.

Tony: I don’t even know where to start. Thank you for absolutely everything. For pushing me out of my comfort zone with design ideas, for listening to my suggestions and frustrations, and for constantly reassuring me that I’m good at what I do. It’s because of you that my confidence in my work has grown, and you have absolutely no idea how grateful I am for that. This was my favorite semester at the house by far, and you played a huge role in making that happen. Thank you for being my biggest fan.

Catalina: Thank you for being there for me through everything – my ups, my downs, my freakouts, and everything in between. You are one of my most favorite people in the world, and I am going to miss you so much while I’m abroad. I hope you make lots of garlic bread and pizza while I’m gone (with garlic under the sauce, obviously). I’ll be there in spirit.

Jacob: You are my comfort person, my shoulder to cry on, and one of the best roommates I could ask for. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you next semester. I love talking to you for hours about everything. It’s always wonderful coming home to you after a long night at work. You deserve a million hugs.

Mateo: My day one, my slice of home. I can’t believe the boy I had a year-long feud with in high school English class turned into my best friend, and the greatest roommate I could ever ask for. Living with you never ever gets old. You didn’t have to have a D.O. sleep schedule, and yet you’d wait up for me almost every night to hang out when I’d get back. It’s what made the long nights worth it. I have all the love in the world for you.

Mom, Dad, and Bryan: I’m sorry I never pick up my phone, and I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to visit as much as I should because of my crazy schedule. I hope you understand. Thank you for the unconditional love and support for everything I do. I love you, and I hope I’ve made you proud.

Peace out, Daily Orange. It’s time to catch up on four semesters worth of sleep.

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