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Duck: Mandy Kraynak

Asst. Feature Copy Editor | Fall 2019; Asst. Feature Editor | Spring 2020; Culture Editor | Fall 2020; Managing Editor | Fall 2021-Spring 2022

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

I thought I was done with this odd and endearing duck tradition, but — alas, quack quack, I’m back. As hard as it can be to work to endure the long hours and stressful situations that come with this job, it’s even harder to leave this place. Thank you for everything.

Emily: I’m so thankful to have you by my side, and I’m going to miss you so much. I’ll miss your dad jokes, contagious laugh, reminders to the staff when there’s no need to apologize and our walks home from The D.O. You are an incredible photojournalist, editor and leader. I didn’t expect to come back to The D.O. or help lead the paper, but I wouldn’t have wanted to spend this year any other way than helping lead it with you. Thank you for trusting me to help you lead and for constantly encouraging me and everyone in this newsroom.

Abby Weiss: You are one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I’ve ever met, not to mention how strong of a writer, leader, reporter and editor you are. I’m so glad I got to work with you. Thank you for constantly encouraging me and for leading this paper with such care and dedication. You’re a legend, and you deserve all the love times 10K. I’m going to miss you so, so much. You’re going to be amazing at whatever you take on next.

Tony: We did it. I’m so proud of you and the way you jumped right into this role, leading the digital team and bringing energy and laughter to every room in this house. It was iconic having two people from Ohio in management, and Richard will carry on the legacy for another year. I believe in you like I believe in Cleveland. And on that note, CLEVELAND ROCKS!

Richard Chang: After being copy editors, assistant editors and head editors at the same time, I love that we both came back after ducking. You led the News section so well, and I’ve missed you a ton this semester.

Kyle: You’re going to be an outstanding news editor. With your curiosity, care, persistence and attention to detail, I know you’ll excel at leading the section to produce essential coverage for the community. You’re also genuine, kind and encouraging, and your team is lucky to have you.

Danny, Jana, Grace, Francis, Shantel, Ivana and Katie: Y’all are awesome, and I’m so proud of you. You’ve done so much meaningful work, and there’s much more to come. I’m going to miss the party parrots and laughter from the News room.

Shannon: You truly excel in the way you tell stories through design, and bring such a calming presence to this place, even when you’re making changes to pages and dealing with InDesign troubles at ungodly hours. I’m really going to miss listening to all of visuals’ bops and seeing you create stunning designs firsthand. I’m sorry we didn’t make the visuals mural happen this semester, and I hope you get to help create it when you come back from abroad.

Maya Goosmann: I’m in awe of literally everything you create, Maya. You’re so talented, hardworking, kind and patient. The Taylor Swift bops from the Visuals room helped get me through long nights, and the stickers you made of my pet dog and bunny and Taylor Swift songs are one of my favorite gifts I’ve ever gotten. I’ll miss you so much, and I hope you have the best time in Copenhagen.

Skyler: I’m so grateful I got to work with you. You radiate energy and enthusiasm, and you’re so sharp, dedicated and thoughtful. I can’t wait to see what you take on next. SPROTS.
Morgan Sample: I’ve loved working with you and seeing you thrive as a designer. You’re going to kill it as presentation director, and I’m excited to see what you create.

Danny Kahn, Megan Thompson, Mary and Amanda: Every design you’ve created is essential to this paper, and I’m so grateful for all the work you do and your patience throughout the process. You’re an inspiring and talented team. I’ll miss our design cheers!

Sessa: Thank you for your words of wisdom, wit and encouragement. In a stretch of a hiking metaphor, you’re a compass for The D.O., never failing to keep us grounded and pointed toward our mission. I respect and admire you so much.

Nate: I’m so glad that you were up for the challenge of leading the Op section, and then that you were up for the challenge of leading the Culture section. I didn’t expect to be laughing out loud while watching Zoom recordings of headeds meetings, but your commentary on story ideas and reporting struggles would have me cracking up constantly. You’re a natural at editing and guiding writers, and I’m so proud of the way you led the Op and Culture teams. Keep pushin’ P and doing great things — I know you will.

Rachel: Culture queen! You’re going to be an amazing culture editor — you have such a warm and welcoming personality, and I love hearing about all your ideas. I’m so impressed with the work you’ve done, including the way you vividly capture the spirit of an event, whether it’s a pageant or club fair, in your writing. I know you’ll handle whatever the Culture section throws your way with grace and compassion. I’m always here if you need anything.

Anthony Bailey, Sophia Moore, Dakota, Mengyao and Sophie Cohen: You all are icons. You each have written awesome stories, pitched really cool and meaningful ideas and helped other writers improve their stories and their reporting and writing skills. I’ll always be in your corner.

Micaela, Julia and Rainu: I’m really proud of each of you. Op is a really difficult section to run, and you never stopped striving to learn and grow. You do so much behind the scenes that often goes unrecognized. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the details, into Absence of Light and into featuring underrepresented voices.

Louis: I’m so glad we got to work together again, this time both actually in the house, and again for our capstone class. I love the care and curiosity that you bring to every story you write and edit. You brought warmth and energy to the Culture room and Culture pages on the daily. You’re a great editor because of your creativity and persistence, but also because of how much you care about the people you work with and helping other writers grow. I can’t wait to see what you do next, once we finally finish this capstone!

Richard Perrins: You’re an excellent leader, and I know The D.O. is in great hands. I’m thankful to have gotten to work with you and watch you lead the News section with care for serving the community and holding the university accountable. I’m proud of all your accomplishments this semester, especially coining “Paris of the Midwest.” I’m sure we’ll run into each other at the Cleveland train station again in the future.

Maggie: I can’t wait to see you excel as managing editor. On top of being a stellar reporter, writer and editor, you’re incredibly caring and empathetic, and that’s exactly what this newsroom needs. You’re going to take this role by storm, and I can’t wait to see what you do.

Siron: You’re going to be absolutely amazing as DME, Siron. You’re creative, sharp and kind, and I know you’ll thrive in this role. Don’t forget your Culture roots, and don’t forget that I’ll always be cheering you on.

Maddy Kramer and Maya Pow: Thank you for all the work you both put into the Video section even though you didn’t always get the recognition you deserve. You literally helped sustain The D.O. with the Giving Tuesday video, all while warming our hearts and bringing us to tears. Your patience and encouragement meant so much to me, and I’m inspired by how dedicated you both were to helping videographers grow and creating an organized and seamless system for the Video section.

Anish, Cirino and Hank: You guys are awesome. I love that you doubled as Culture writers these past two semesters on top of all your responsibilities for Sports. Keep up the creativity, and keep on pursuing awesome stories in both sections. Anish, you’re going to kill it as sports editor. I’ll be on the lookout for the next out-of-the-box feature stories that you do so well.

Connor and Meghan: You both did an amazing job leading your sections, and you made sure Sports selects were never boring. Thank you for all the dedication, the countless hours you put into this paper and all the laughs that made even the most stressful nights better.

Lilli: I’m so excited to see you thrive on the enterprise team. You are a naturally strong reporter, with patience, persistence and, above all, kindness to match. I’m so grateful we got to work together, and I’m forever impressed by the way you took on and stuck with the Light Work investigation over the course of several months.

Abby Presson: You were one of the very first contributing writers I worked with as Culture editor, and from the start, I was impressed with your ambition and ability to take on so much from the start. I’m so glad we got to work in house together. You’re an amazing editor and reporter and writer and photographer, and the list goes on.

Sydney Pollack: I miss you, mon ami! Our #seagulltracker Slack channel is alive and well, with five members. Thank you for encouraging The D.O. and the Culture section to try new things. Whether you’re reporting on NFTs or critiquing a fiber arts exhibit, I will always jump at the chance to read your writing.

Lucy and Anya: I miss you both! You each brought laughter and joy to the newsroom, in addition to taking on tons of photo assignments and creating amazing visuals, and I can’t thank you enough.

Moriah: I have no idea how you managed to balance it all — Podcast and CitrusTV and Otto — and still made time to visit us in house, but I’m so glad you did. You’re incredibly talented, passionate and kind, and I can’t wait to see what you take on next — I know you’ll excel at it.

Haley: You are one of the best role models I could possibly ask for. I’m so thankful for your amazing leadership and how you exemplify care and passion for The D.O. every day. You were my introduction to The D.O. and one of the reasons I knew I wanted to be a part of this organization. Thank you so much for your constant encouragement and support. The D.O. is so lucky to have you, and I will always look up to you.

Diana: Thank you for believing in me. From the start, you drew me into The D.O. and made me feel welcome here, and I can’t thank you enough. I miss hearing your laugh from across the house, and I am blessed to have gotten the chance to work with you. You taught me so much about leadership and writing, and your care and passion for the stories the section told was really admirable. Power of Pulp forever!

Sarah S: You have a magnetic personality and are so genuine and funny. Even in times of stress, you always brought such a warm and fun presence, and I really miss that. Your passion for journalism inspires me, and I’m so thankful to have gotten the chance to work with you.

Allison: You have a great sense of humor, and made the most boring and stressful days fun. You are simultaneously hilarious and hardworking, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish next.

Izzy: I’m so thankful that The D.O. brought us together. Dinners before heading to The D.O. and talking about our families will always be some of my favorite memories. You are a great writer and an even better friend.

Jade: I remember our first days in this house and your determination to grow and improve with each story you wrote. I have so much admiration for the amount of passion and care that you put into each story you take on and your adventurous spirit in pursuing different forms of storytelling. I loved getting to see you in person for the first time in a year and a half on one of my first days back in house last semester. I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.

Leff: The kitchen in the house just isn’t the same without the nightly episodes of “What Will She Microwave?” Thank you for being an amazing leader and a bright light at The D.O.

Chris C.: I’m so glad that we got to work together, and thank you for trusting me to take on Culture editor. Your care for the section came across in every story you took on. You’re a talented writer and a great leader, and I’m so excited to see what you do next.

Amy: You are amazing. You are so talented and incredibly kind, and your constant encouragement and support during the spring 2020 semester meant so much to me. Thank you for always being there to uplift me.

Kevin: I miss running into you at Shaw and our impromptu dinners. You are immensely talented, as well as funny, and you have a heart of gold.

Sydney Bergan: You’re one of the most encouraging people I’ve ever met, and a Culture section queen. You did an amazing job leading the Culture section and then working on the five-month Light Work investigation. I miss you, and I know you’re going to do amazing things.

Sarah L: You are an amazing photographer and such a genuine and kind person. I’m sad that I didn’t get to see you in house these past few semesters, and I know you will continue to take absolutely stunning photos.

Morgan Tucker: I loved working together in the spring. You are so hardworking and reliable, and I loved reading each of the stories you wrote.

Katie Marcy
: You are constantly creating stunning and meaningful designs, and you are so dependable and talented. I’m so thankful I got to work with you.

Gavi: Thank you so much for your persistence and dedication to each story you took on. The thoughtfulness you put into each story shows in your writing, and I’m looking forward to what you take on next.

Chris Scarglato: Thanks for always being up for taking on another story. I appreciate the way you constantly challenge yourself to learn and grow, and I look forward to the detailed scenes that you capture in each story you write. I’m excited to see the work you continue to do.

Teho: I’m so thankful that you were willing to join our team even in the middle of such a stressful and uncertain semester. You are a thoughtful and curious reporter, and I can’t wait to read more of your work.

Susan: I miss your sense of humor and the energy and joy that you brought to the house each night. I’m so proud of all the work that you have done and that I know you will continue to do.

Austin: Thank you for your passion for copy editing, your witty sense of humor and your thoughtful, thorough reporting. I’m looking forward to your next great story.

Nabeeha: You never failed to amaze me with the work you create. You are extremely talented yet so kind and humble. The D.O. is so lucky to have you.

Corey Henry: You are an amazing photographer, and you have such a warm, welcoming presence. You are so sweet and humble about the incredible work that you do, and I’m so thankful to have met you.

Dabbundo: I wish we could go back to the carefree times of Secret Santa challenges at the house. I hope you know I don’t hate you, either.

Casey T: I’m so inspired by your curiosity, and each of the videos you created were stunning and powerful. Going to the drum circle with you and Emily will always be one of my favorite memories, and I’m endlessly thankful to call you my friend.

Chis, Crane, Nick, Nate M. and Richard Chang: I’ve really enjoyed watching each of you lead with passion and perseverance, especially during the strange and hectic fall 2020 semester. You each faced challenges and handled them with strength and resilience, creating important and meaningful stories. It’s been an honor.

Lizzie: Having two headeds living in the same house has been so fun! You are a genuine and kind friend, and I love that you care so much about every story that you tell. I know you are going to do amazing things in the world of podcasts or whatever you take on next. Drinking tea, catching up on life and obsessing over Alpine and Amour with you will always be some of my favorite memories.

Casey and Emma: I admire you both so much. Every day, you have shown how much you care about this paper and the people who work for it. Your amazing leadership and ability to take unprecedented challenges in stride is extraordinary. Your commitment to telling stories with compassion and fairness inspires me daily. Thank you for believing in me. I’m going to miss you, and I know you’ll continue to do powerful and meaningful work.

Everyone else: I could go on forever, but thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to The D.O. I have learned so much from each of you, and you have made this place a home as well as a newsroom.

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