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On Campus

Indigenous students say flying Haudenosaunee flag is step in right direction for SU

Avery Schildhaus | Contributing Photographer

Among other commitments regarding SU's Indigenous community announced in August, the university said that it would fly the Haudenosaunee flag at the National Veterans Resource Center.

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In August, Syracuse University announced a series of commitments relating to the campus’ Indigenous community.

The university said that it would fly the Haudenosaunee flag at the National Veterans Resource Center, add an Onondaga Haudenosaunee language greeting for the Huntington Beard Crouse Hall signage and work on 113 Euclid Ave., which is home to the Native Student Program. 

The announcement was a part of SU’s progress report of its “Campus Commitments,” which informed both current and former SU community members of plans underway to improve the quality of diversity and inclusion at the university.

The university also invited Tadodaho Sidney Hill from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy to deliver the Thanksgiving Address at the Class of 2020 commencement ceremony on Sunday. 

Some Indigenous students applaud the university for acknowledging the land it sits upon, but many said that the university needs to go further. 

Jordan Goodwin, a Junior at SU and a member of the Onöndowa’ga:’ (Seneca) nation, said he was glad to see a Haudenosaunee language on the walls of buildings at the university and see the Haudenosaunee flag flying in multiple places on campus.

“Even small things like that make me so happy because you go places and you see words in German, French, Spanish, Japanese. But I never get to see my people’s language on things,” Goodwin said. “So it seriously makes me happy that I get to experience that.” 

Kateleen Ellis, a member of the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) nation and a senior at SU, said the recent changes are a step in the right direction for the university.

“Especially flying the (Haudenosaunee) flag in front of the veterans building is important as it represents the Indigenous Americans who served in the military,” Ellis said.

Bailey Tlachac, a graduate assistant for the university’s Native Student Program, appreciated the representation on campus.

“It’s really nice to show that the university is trying to take a step in the right direction towards representation for Native students. This shows that the university (realizes that it) stands on the traditional homeland of the Onondaga nation,” Tlachac said. 

It's really nice to show that the university is trying to take a step in the right direction towards representation for native students
Bailey Tlachac, graduate assistant for the Native Student Program

Syracuse’s mascot before Otto the Orange was the Saltine Warrior, which became the mascot in 1928. In 1978, after Indigenous students at SU successfully petitioned the university to change the mascot, the Saltine Warrior was discontinued, as it was viewed as unrepresentative and offensive to Indigenous students.

While the university has taken steps away from offensive behavior towards Indigenous populations, some Indigenous students at SU still feel like outsiders.

“There’s no mean intention, but I just don’t feel like there’s any effort to invite Indigenous people specifically,” Goodwin said. “It’s sad, but it’s just the truth. I hope that if the school helps us with our events, people will become more aware, and become more engaged.”


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