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Duck: Sydney Bergan

Asst. Culture Copy Editor | Spring 2020; Asst. Culture Editor | Fall 2020; Culture Editor | Spring 2021

Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration Editor

Getting thrown into The D.O. is one of the many strange “everything happens for a reason moments” of my life. Shoutout to the random Newhouse tour guide, wherever and whoever you are, for asking my shy group of accepted students who would be interested in writing for an on-campus publication. And another huge shout out to the random boost of confidence I felt that day for making me raise my hand. The tour guide scribbled a name and email onto a tiny strip of paper and handed it to me. I kept it safely tucked away in my Newhouse tote bag for weeks until finally taking it out and sending an email. 

For the sake of nostalgia I dug up that email from April 24, 2019. It reads:

“While I was at my accepted students day a few weeks ago I expressed my interest in being a part of The Daily Orange to a current Newhouse student and she gave me your email, so I just thought I’d reach out! I will actually be on campus this weekend for the Maxwell scholarship competition and would love to meet up and introduce myself, as well as learn more about The Daily Orange and what it’s like to be a part of an on-campus publication.”

Ugh … Cringe … 

But, as cringey as that series of bold senior-in-high-school moves was (seriously, who did I think I was?) thank f*cking god I sent it because I have never been so encouraged, so nurtured, so teased and so accepted by a group of people in my life. My time at The D.O. taught me so many lessons about myself as a writer, as a leader, as a colleague and as a person. I am truly so humbled and grateful to have been a part of this amazing community of people who are so talented that they blow my freaking mind every day. 

Casey Darnell: Okay I’m sure you were wondering when I would reveal that you were the one to receive that extremely cringey email in 2019. I just remember us sitting in a booth at Newhouse and you being more than a little bit confused about why this ambitious senior had the audacity to take time out of your very busy schedule. Despite the initial awkwardness that conversation convinced me to give The D.O. a shot, something that I owe you 1,000000 iced coffees for. You are a fearless, hysterical and intelligent leader who is going to go so far. Thanks for all of your guidance and I’ll miss visiting you and Emma in the management office. 

Emma Folts: Wow you have really been with me since the start, editing my crappy news articles and being the one to nudge me towards Pulp. I appreciate all of your advice through my short stint as a news beat writer to my time as a headed in Culture, I knew I could always count on you to be real with me. I’m always so impressed by how put together you are (the OUTFITS THOUGH) and admire the constant kindness you show to everyone around you. 

Haley Robertson: The ORIGINAL pulp queen. Even though I was just a measly copy editor during your EIC reign, you always made sure to make me feel welcomed and like I was meant to be a leader. See you in Boston (and probably at Water Street Bagels) xoxo. 

Amy Nakamura: AMYYYYYY!! I’ve had an unhealthy obsession with you from the start, let’s be real. You showed me the value of being a calm and collected leader, something that definitely contrasts the non-stop talking chaos I put you through when I was a copy editor. I’ll always be cheering you on from the sidelines!

Chris Cicchiello: I’m sorry I took the Sebastian Maniscalco story from you. Well, I’m not actually sorry because it was sick but you know what I mean. Thanks for always being my go to editor and FAC ranting confidant. Can’t wait to tell everyone we’re friends when you’re famous. 

Mandy Kraynak: One of the most talented writers I know. I’m always amazed by how easily you are able to capture the essence of a story. 

KJ Edelman: I’m so glad I got the opportunity to work with you this semester. You’re one of the most hardworking people I’ve ever met and I have incredible admiration for you (even though I show it by roasting you). Speaking of roasting you, please never wear a middle part ever again, and keep in touch. 

Louis Platt: One time you compared me to a sister you’ve never had and I almost cried. But that’s the type of person you are, so genuine and willing to make connections with everyone you come across. I am so ecstatic to have you run the culture section next semester.  

Gabe Stern: Remember that time when we went to the same camp during our childhood but didn’t realize that until halfway through the Hidden Gems project? Yeah me too. Seriously though thanks for helping us pull off a BOMB project. 

Chris Scarglato: You’ve definitely gotten the culture section out of quite a few tight deadlines and I admire your willingness to pick up the slack. 

Roshan Fernandez: I remember being so excited that a fellow Cherub would be coming to SU and figured we’d only see each other every once in a while around campus. Then we ended up in the same newsroom. And the same COM 101 class. AND the same head ed team. Classic. Stop following me. Just kidding! Lucky to work alongside you and am amazed by how you kept up with every single sports game — couldn’t be me. 

Maggie Hicks: We should have been friends sooner, period. Your badass reporting actually astounds me and I can’t wait to see what you do next.
Sarah Alessandrini: I’ve never been more excited to see anyone on DP floor 4 than you. I’ve seen the huge impact you’ve had on the news section and you should be so proud of the work that you’ve done, because we all notice. 

Allie Kaylor: You drink the most water out of everyone I’ve ever seen and it’s incredible. Seriously though, sports has been so lucky to have you and I just know you’re going to change the industry (slash I am manifesting it because you deserve it).

Mira Berenbaum: Wait, do you have a car? Never stop telling the same story 100 times. You’re going to kick ass in anything you do. 

Cori Dill: The vibes in the op office were always IMMACULATE. Thanks for letting me crash your party more than once. You really turned the op section around and bullied KJ with me in the process. Lucky to know you!

Skyler: Okay but seriously, how in creation do you balance everything you do? One of the most badass women bosses I’ve ever seen. No one deserves to be sports editor more than you. 

Maya Goosmann & Talley Schroeder: The creators of the most beautiful pages I’ve ever seen. Thank you for all you do and for putting up with my scatterbrained Slack messages on print nights. 

Emily Steinberger: You’re one of the sweetest people and your enthusiasm and commitment to The D.O. is so incredible. Can’t wait for you to take over and see all of the amazing work you and Mandy do!

Lucy Messineo-Witt: Future housemate! You’re so cool and I can’t wait to live with you. Also still hurt you stopped being a screentime columnist smh.

Sarah Slavin: To the person who walked with me to my first D.O. party even though she had met me one time THANK YOU. You welcomed me into pulp with open arms and have always been so supportive. Don’t forget that you’re a badass bitch who can do anything she wants. 

Abby Presson: We were all so excited when you joined culture and you’ve impressed all of us with your attention to detail and life-saving abilities.

Gavi Azoff: I’m actually so lucky to have had you on our digital team. Thanks for all that you did for us and keep being the VPA queen that you are. 

Abby Weiss: When I found out you wanted to make the switch to culture I basically claimed you as my own oops. You’re such a hard worker and I have so much admiration for you. Thanks for letting me rant to you 95% of the time. 

Jordan Greene: I hope I didn’t wake you up the million times I came back at 12 in the morning. Thanks for being my co-worker, roommate, sister and everything in between. So glad you got to experience The D.O. in all of its glory. 

Brent: My designated walk home partner. Thanks for always waiting up to make sure I got home safe no matter how long production lasted. I love you. 

Family: I’m sorry whenever you tried to FaceTime me I was always at work. You are my number one fans who have always read all of my work, no matter how late I sent it to you. I appreciate you and love you so much.

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