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Duck: Sarah Slavin

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

Hey B*tches,

When I found out I’d been selected to be the “From the Kitchen,” beat writer my freshman year I was excited to start working for The D.O. My family congratulated me, and I bragged about my “position” to my high school friends. Little did I know that holding that position would only be a small sliver of my incredible experience at The Daily Orange.

The past three semesters have been everything I could’ve asked for and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I’ve had the ability to work in two different sections and three different positions. I’ve grown so much as a writer and editor, but more importantly, I’ve grown as a person and met some remarkable people that have shaped my college experience in ways I never thought possible.

This wouldn’t be a Duck if I didn’t thank all the amazing people who shaped my time at The D.O. So, here goes nothing. 

Lydia: Thank you for being such a great head-ed to work under my first semester in-house, and THANK YOU for hiring me, I wouldn’t be writing this if it weren’t for you. I know I can always count on you for great advice and have often thought of you as a “big sister.” I’m sad that we won’t have another somester together in ‘Cuse, but I know that you’re bound for big things. 

Rori: Thank you for being such a constant at my time in The D.O. Even when you stopped working in-house, I knew you weren’t far. I can’t wait to see your documentary, I expect to be in almost every scene. My experience making videos at The D.O. was short lived, but thanks for helping me with them every step of the way.

Andy: I’m sad we only worked in the same section for one semester, but every night you worked I knew that digital wouldn’t be quiet. Thank you for understanding my humor and laughing along with every dumb thing I said. You made my time in digital unforgettable.

Colleen: Thank you for reaching out to me as often as you did my freshman year asking me to write Pulp stories. As a retired assistant I understand the grind trying to get writers to pick up stories. I don’t know if I would’ve written as much spring of my freshman year if it weren’t for you. So for that I am forever grateful.

Kelsey: I missed your energy and brilliance in Pulp this semester. Your beautiful A1’s and iconic macs have truly left a beautiful legacy in Pulp and I hope future Pulp editors strive for your quality of work. I know I have.

Emma: Your skills as a writer and reporter are some of the best I’ve seen in my time here. So excited for you to run news next semester.

Izzy: You were a great addition to Pulp this semester, were a quick learner and always listened to the advice I gave you. Keep writing, I can’t wait to see more of your work. 

Casey: I thought working three semesters was a lot, but wow you’ve done it all and aren’t done. And I’m glad for that. You’ve done an incredible job as news editor and I know your mark on The D.O. isn’t over. Thanks for always stopping by Pulp to keep Diana and me in check and making us laugh.

Gabe: You and I had more in common than I originally thought, and I’m happy we were able to work in-house together. You’re such a hard worker and I’m excited to see what else you write. We’ve also sat through some classes together with interesting professors and classmates. I hope we have more together senior year.

Mandy: Keep up the good work, you’re an incredible writer and staff member. The D.O. is lucky to have you for more semesters to come. It was a pleasure working in Pulp with you and I can’t wait to see all that you do as an assistant.

Anna Genus: I wish we spent more time together, but I’m glad we got to work together. You’ve brought so much to video and killed it as both an assistant and head-ed. I can’t wait to hear all about living in L.A.

Aro: It kills me to see you duck, but I know you’re going to do great things. Thanks for being a source of laughter and for listening to all my copy-related sports questions.

Kevin: You’re one of the most iconic people I’ve ever met. I didn’t think I’d meet anyone as gullible as me, but I think you have me beat. Aside from being a light inside the walls of 744, you’re brilliant. Your graphic design and coding skills will take you so far. 

Chris: I’m happy you decided to work in-house and that we were able to work together. You were so much more than a copy editor to Pulp, and always brought something new. Whether it was a positive spirit or beautifully written story, we always knew we could count on you. I can’t wait to read your stories next semester, whatever section they end up in.

Amy: Thank you for entertaining all of my questions about Hawaii and graphic design. You’ve killed every position you’ve had, and I wouldn’t want anyone else in charge of Pulp next semester. Can’t wait to see you keep the Power of Pulp alive.

Brooke: While we never worked the same nights our first semester in house, when we first met I knew we’d become friends. I wish we could’ve been assistants together, but the two semesters we worked together were definitely memorable. Thanks for matching my energy at The D.O. and for always being down to chat, (or gossip). I’ll be free Sunday to Wednesday nights now, let’s hang out next year. 

Haley: You’re one of those people that The D.O. wouldn’t be the same without. You’re such a hard worker and always do it with a smile on your face. You radiate positive energy and have brought so much to Pulp and The D.O. When I heard you were going to be EIC I was relieved because I knew The D.O. would be in good hands. Thanks for always being supportive of my work and every question I’ve had.

KJ: I’m surprised I didn’t know you before we started working in-house because you’re hard to miss. With your bubbly personality, I knew we’d click as friends. I admire your work ethic and all that you’ve produced in our time at school. You can work across any section and it always turns out great. Thank you for being such a great friend and always giving me advice. I’ll miss you next semester, Maybe there will be cool events you can attend in NYC, like a formal or something? Promise we won’t just be Sunday to Wednesday friends next year.

Dabbundo: To think that we’ve only worked together two semesters surprises me. It’s felt like much more. It’ll be weird not seeing you at The D.O., in or Maxwell every day next semester. I’m glad you always hung out in digital last semester, but thankful Diana didn’t let you distract us in Pulp. Your energy is unlike most I know and your fascination of the weather and the randomest things is unmatched. Still salty you’re BDJ, but I know your love for The D.O. and writing are still as strong as ever.

Allison: I’m so glad we got to work together this semester. While we were shocked me, you and Diana would be working in the same section, I’m glad we pulled it off. Power of Pulp. I love how similar our energy is and how we really get each other. Even though you’d sometimes say the randomist sh*t, you knew you’d get a laugh out of me. Thanks for making some of the longest and hardest nights feel quicker and easier. You have a pretty awesome track record of journalism experience and I know you’re going absolutely crush your next one. I hope to be in another newsroom with you someday.

Diana: If someone told me last year that the Digital Copy Chief was going to become one of my closest friends, I’d say they were lying. It’s crazy how you went from someone I barely knew, to someone who I can count on for anything, whether it’s journalism related or not. There’s no one else I’d have wanted to be an assistant to. Sorry for always saying, “oh yeah that’s my friend Diana, she’s like my boss,” because you were my boss. But I guess it never felt like it because you’ve been such a good friend. I’ll miss laughing at late hours of the night when we should’ve been working.

The D.O.: Thank you for everything. My time at this crazy ass school wouldn’t have been the same without you.

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