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Editorial Board

SU should better accommodate students staying for Thanksgiving break

/ The Daily Orange

While this Sunday marks the official start of Syracuse University’s Thanksgiving break, classes are already getting thinner and campus is quieting down. Nevertheless, there will still be students on the Hill next week.

For the first time in six years, SU will host a Thanksgiving dinner geared toward international students before vacation even begins — The International Thanksgiving Celebration will be held in Schine Student Center’s Goldstein Auditorium at 7 p.m the Thursday before Thanksgiving.

Samuel Clemence, the interim dean of Hendricks Chapel, said administrators have seen an increase in international students going away for the break, so the dinner is being held before Thanksgiving. But given the scarcity of dining options and the potential loneliness of spending the holiday on campus, SU should consider a campus-wide Thanksgiving meal during the week of break for students — both international and domestic.

The reduction of SU services during the break is understandable. There is no need to operate at full capacity if only a small fraction of the student body will be present. Still, campus life should not stop because some students choose to leave.

Office of Student Activities Director Dave Sargalski said that as usual, there won’t be any events scheduled over the break. Whether that’s an event as small as a movie screening to break up boredom or as big as a Thanksgiving dinner to beat loneliness, there should be options for remaining students.

The extent and availability of certain Thanksgiving break services are determined by numbers — for example, the number of gym entries Archbold Gymnasium will see on a Friday during break versus on a regular Friday. But with services like meals or entertainment programming, the university can — and should — send out a survey earlier in the year to gauge interest.

Yes, buses run, the gym is open, and food is available at Hendricks Chapel Food Pantry as well as Schine and Goldstein Student Centers during select hours. But Thanksgiving is a holiday all about community, and a meal during break would bring the campus community together.

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