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Duck: Alex Erdekian

Asst. Feature Copy Editor | Fall 2014-Spring 2015; Asst. Feature Editor | Fall 2015; Asst. Feature Web Editor | Spring 2016

At The Daily Orange house the past two years there were nights I laughed so hard I gagged, cried in the bathroom, fell asleep on the couch and worked practically until the morning — all alongside some crazy but terrific people. The D.O. might be the most dysfunctional family I’ve been part of, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The lessons I’ve learned here are ones I never could’ve learned in a classroom or anywhere else in the world. So thanks to every person I met through this place for teaching me something new and giving me memories I’ll never forget. I hope we’ll make some more still.

Chase: Whenever you walked around blasting music last semester, I got a flashback to when you lived next door to me in Day freshman year, and kept me up at 3 a.m. some nights. Regardless, I’m glad I wrote my first A1 about you and we got to work together this year. Remember me when you’re rich and famous — oh wait, you already are.

Sara: You’re more dedicated to The D.O. than almost anyone. I can’t wait to see you shine as news editor. Also, I appreciate you for being the person in house who loves cats as much as I do.

Delaney: Thank you for keeping it real and always making it known exactly what everyone in the room is secretly thinking. I’m not quite sure Chile is ready for your ghost pepper spice level. I hope wherever you go you keep doing things the Van Wey!

Justin: You might be the most driven person I know, and I know the paper will reach new heights with you in charge. Just don’t ever revert to your seventh grade self because that first kiss story always makes me cringe.

Mara: You’re wise beyond your years, and it’s clear by how smoothly you lead 30 college kids in creating a newspaper four days a week. I hope in Copenhagen you take every opportunity to have fun. You deserve it.

Brett: Thanks for rejecting dozens of my terribly clichéd mac pitches, even though it resulted in a very embarrassing Secret Santa task.

Jon: You do a ton of work behind the scenes that most people don’t know about, but The D.O. is so much better for it. You’re one of the few people in house who is friends with nearly everyone, and I think that’s a great way to be.

Lucy: Keep up your unexpected fiery comments and keep your man in line.

Emma: Stay in touch with your LA cool girl side — I want to hear more about your dates with celebrities.

Kiran: Thanks for spicing up Girl’s Night and making it 10 times funnier with your provocative questions during truth or dare.

Chloe: Thanks for making the paper look good and appreciating Webkinz — our pets need to have a playdate. We should hang out when you’re in Boston this summer.

Hank: Pulp is always a party when you’re designing.

Annie: Cheers to you, Maggie and Michelle for hosting every D.O. party and sorry if I’ve ever done anything rude at them, which is likely. You’re also a great editor, and I learned a lot from when you’ve helped me with my stories.

Lizzie: Jacob, Kat and I were all so impressed as soon as we met you, from your creative ideas to your writing ability. You’re totally the freshman star of Pulp. I hope you keep writing for The D.O. Good luck in your Kardashian impersonating career.

Schwed: You come in clutch with the best PUP foods, especially Gushers. Sorry I bossed you around in COM 117 back in the day. I’m not too savvy with sports, but word on the street is the section was left in good hands.

Libonati: We survived listening to hipsters debate eating disorders and the impact of Rolling Stone on society. Thank God.

Rachel Sandler: Thanks for being cool about that night I embarrassed myself in front of you on South and didn’t even remember it the next day at Sunday meeting.

Alexa Diaz: When we had French class together freshman year I didn’t know you very well, but I knew you were cool as f*ck just by your edgy outfits. Turns out I was right. You are going to kill it in management next semester.

Caroline: I don’t know why it took us this long to become friends since we’ve had almost every Newhouse class together since freshman year, but I’m glad we are now. I can’t wait to decorate our apartment — seriously I’m way too excited.

Rachel Gilbert: Despite always have something unexpected hurled at you, like when you literally broke your back, you’re so down to earth. I’m excited to see what you do your next semester as feature editor. Keep me posted on what’s happening in Pulp, and feel free to send me a story to write whenever.

Kathryn: I got to know you last semester when we had classes together. While at first I was admiring your horse poster and stories, I soon realized you’re just as witty as you are talented. I’m so glad we got to work together this semester — you did a great job.

Alexa Torrens: You tell the best stories out of anyone in house — as confirmed by girl’s night — and you have the best sense of humor. You were a great news editor, too.

Sam Fortier: Telling secrets when we sat next to each other in graphics was fun, even if they weren’t that secret. We should make that a thing again.

Yerin: You have some of the best style I’ve seen on campus. Thanks for keeping me on track in mag. See ya in Kubal.

Kat: I’m glad I got to be an assistant with you. Good thing we we’re both into angsty 2000s music — it made the nights go by faster.

Clare: You were one of the first people I met at The D.O. and at Syracuse in general and your bubbly personality has never failed to brighten my day. Thanks for showing me the ropes in Pulp when I was just a first semester freshman.

Alex: Sharing the same name created some sticky situations for both of us when you joined The D.O., like Jacob introducing you to everyone in house as “Archie” and Leslie accidentally inviting me to a soccer a game thinking I was you. Besides sharing the same name, we share the same taste in music, the same sense of humor and a few nights this semester even the same bed. I’m lucky I met you because you are a wonderful person and friend.

Jacob: The first night we worked together last year, I was relieved to have a freshman buddy in Pulp. Little did I know I was about to become the target of your jokes for the rest of the semester. Even though we’ve gotten on each others’ nerves more times than I can remember, we always make up for it. Joking aside, you’ve done a lot for The D.O., especially as feature editor, even though some nights were rough. I may have dethroned you as Mac King, but let’s keep the rivalry going strong.

Jackie: Thanks for hiring a clueless freshman during her first week of school as your copy editor. I had no idea what I was signing up for at the time, but I’m still so glad I’ve spent the past two years here. On top of introducing me to The D.O., you were one the first friends I made at Syracuse and you made me feel totally welcome during what was a rough start to college for me — I’m sure you didn’t know it at the time, but it meant a lot to me.

It’s been real guys.

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