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Murthy: Top 10 tips for conquering the housing lottery

As the housing lottery looms closer, stress levels are on the rise. That Watson quad is becoming ever more elusive, and you’re running out of excuses to get out of rooming with Mr. I-am-a-DJ-because-I-Have-Speakers.

The Syracuse University housing lottery has opened for Syracuse University students to pick where they want to live next year. Everyone is visiting iPhone calculators to calculate lottery number averages, and there seems to be an increase in broken friendships as room types and residence halls increasingly determine the basis of friendship.

Before your hopes plummet to the bottom of the Mount, Pulp visited Eileen Simmons in Housing, Meal Plan and ID Services for some tips to prepare for the onslaught.

Agree to the Terms and Conditions: You have to be in the game to get ahead of the game. So make sure you have followed through on clicking that “Accept” button.

1. Make the $450 advance payment

It takes only a quick visit to the Bursar Office and a bit of disappointment to check your bank balance and make this payment. Fun fact: If financial aid funds at least 70 percent of your tuition, you can apply to waive the advance.

2. Organize a think tank

You think a simple GroupMe chat can take pressure of this kind? Cute. But really, no. It wasn’t built for such capacities. Engage in regular conversation with your roommate(s) about room types and plans before your round begins.

3. Exercise honesty

Though it can be tough, being honest with the people you’ll be living with for the next year can go a long way in making sure everyone’s on the same page. Being upfront now can save you from awkward confrontational talks about your roommate’s regrettable taste in music later.

4. Become a mastermind of interiors

In the depths of the website are some maps which, if used correctly, can lead to a treasured year of living. The dimensions of every room on each floor in every residence hall are available at all times to make your life easier.

5. Know your ABCs

Have a Plan A? Excellent, it’s probably going to fall flat. In the likely event that it does, have Plan B and Plan C ingrained into your head.

6. Consider alternatives

#GoSouth: Many a time, you can end up on South Campus against your wishes. While it can’t be helped, there are tours, started this year, to make the reality of having to live there a little more bearable. South really isn’t so bad, but eliminate all 8 a.m. classes if you do end up there.

7. Ask the experts

Your really close friend promised you your average was just good enough for a two-person suite? Wake up, it’s probably not good enough, just like your friend’s word. It’s okay to ask around, but clear all your questions with the experts at housing.

8. Check your email

Did you just say “duh?” Don’t. One prodigy engineered all his housing information to filter into the spam folder. When he finally unearthed the emails, it was too little, too late. True story.

9. Facebook-search a roommate

“Syracuse University housing lottery roommate finder” is your new friend if you’re at a loss when it comes to roommates. This is the place to mix, match, mingle and meet roommates if you need one.

10. Breathe

You will find a place to live next year. If you haven’t fulfilled your two-year housing requirement, you’re guaranteed a spot somewhere on campus. And even if it’s not your top choice, don’t stress. Anything from a Lawrinson corner double to a South three-person apartment can feel like home if you give it a chance.

With these tips, you won’t break out in hives over this year’s lottery. Happy housing.

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