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Feature Guide: Self Check-In

Decompress your stress: 10 simple tips for quick relaxation, clear mind

1. Call up someone you love

Sometimes college takes you away from the people around which you can really be yourself. Whether it’s your mom, best friend from high school or long-distance significant other, there’s somebody out there whose voice alone will instantly raise your spirits. Don’t just text this person, make time for a phone call. You might be surprised how much better you feel.

2. Take a bubble bath

It might be a cliché, but taking a bubble bath really will rejuvenate your spirit. You need some time with no expectations from social media. Between roommates, classmates and all the other people with whom you’re constantly in contact, being alone in a hot bath for just 30 minutes will do wonders for your soul. Make sure you light some candles and put on relaxing music to perfect the mood.

3. Make a list of things you’re thankful for

You hear this all the time, but chances are, you’ve never actually done it. Sometimes all the stressors in your life — homework, internships, a job, bills, student loan debt, relationship troubles, the worst roommate ever, etc. — make it hard to remember that your life isn’t entirely awful. It’s easy to take the little things for granted, so take a moment to write down everything for which you’re thankful.

4. Take a walk

The days are getting shorter and the temperature is consistently dropping, but there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outside. Headphones are optional, as sometimes music serves as the perfect soul-soother, but it’s also refreshing to be in tune with your surroundings. The mere act of walking can make you feel much better after spending so much time in front of a computer or with your nose in a textbook.

5. Meditate

There are all kinds of ways to meditate, but it doesn’t need to be a big deal. The next time you have 10 free minutes, go to a quiet place where you can be alone. Get in a comfortable position, either sitting or lying, and close your eyes. Envision your breath as a stream as you inhale and exhale steadily. Try to clear your mind, but don’t fight distractions. Let them come to you, and then let them go.

6. Listen to music

Find that album you know by heart, the one you listened to constantly when it came out, the one associated with tons of good memories or maybe the one you haven’t listened to in a while. Music has such a great nostalgia factor, and sometimes you need to be reminded of your past. Getting back in touch with your favorite album might remind you of who you are when you’re feeling a little lost.

7. Watch a movie from your childhood

You’re still young, but the constant stress that comes with college can make you feel old. Fall back into periods of calm by watching a movie from your childhood. Think of your favorite Disney princess or put on that Power Rangers movie. Watch it with friends if possible. Chances are, they could use a break from being an adult, too.

8. Eat ice cream for dinner, and don’t feel guilty about it

It’s probably a bad idea to consistently rely on unhealthy foods to make yourself feel better, but one night isn’t going to hurt. Sometimes indulging in something sweet — or salty, or fatty, or otherwise terrible for your arteries — will not only taste delicious, but provide a little fun when you need it most.

9. Make something

Creativity is great for your soul. Art is a huge part of what it means to be human, so take some time to make something. Don’t worry about your skill level — this isn’t going in the Museum of Modern Art. Focus on expressing yourself or just having fun. If you’re not studying art for your degree, it will be a nice change of pace. And if you are studying art, make sure you continue making things for yourself and enjoying the process.

10. Get laid

Studies have proven that sex releases mood-boosting hormones, including oxytocin and endorphins. When you’re stressed, you’re a lot less likely to be in the mood. But the absence of sex leads to even more frustration. It’s a vicious cycle, and sometimes you just have to make the conscious decision to do what’s best for your body and your spirit: Suck it up and hit the sack with someone who can make your worries disappear, at least for a little while.

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