Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year

The Daily Orange

Duck: Marwa Eltagouri

Asst. News Editor | Spring 2012; News Editor | Fall 2012; Design Editor | Spring 2013

Micah Benson | Art Director

I couldn’t actually leave The Daily Orange, as I’m too attached to this highly flammable house and its sleep-deprived, loveable inhabitants who I consider family. After all, The D.O. gave me something to care about.

To future D.O.-ers: Embrace tradition. Respect the work of those who came before you. Now create something greater. Take risks. Cause a commotion. Break style once in a while, then break it again. Whether you’re an assistant copy editor or editor in chief, make The D.O. your own personal project so that at the end of the semester you can point to three or two or one thing and say, “I made that happen.”

Marykate: Oh, MK. You’ve stood by me through the last three semesters more than anyone else has, even when I abandoned you for weeks on end. You keep me sane and give me perspective, and the one thing I’m most excited for next year is being able to spend it with you.

Becca: Secret Santa, ’11. My first taste of The D.O. You got up on a desk and belted out “Lady Marmalade,” and it was at that moment I truly became excited to become a part of The D.O. family. You’re so talented. I’ll miss you.

Katie, Beckie, Tony, Kathleen: You guys set the bar high for me, and I hope I continue to meet it in my last year here. Thanks for the help these past few semesters, your passion is inspiring.

Dara: You were my first A read, and I thought you were so successful. I still do. I strive to be as thorough of a reporter as you are. Thanks for trusting me.

Debbie: Remember that one time you edited my Arab Spring story with me for two hours? I must’ve driven you crazy. I still respect you for that patience. Can’t wait to work together next year.

Meghin: You pushed me to strive past mediocrity when I was exhausted, then pushed me more. I’ll forever be grateful for that, and still admire that enthusiasm.

Mark: You went from the sports editor who’d play kickball in the Design office with me to an inspiration for an entire generation of D.O.-ers. Between you and me, All-Star Coops made a great EIC. I’ll miss having you around. P.S. — Inter Milan still sucks.

D-Berk: You were one of my first friends at the D.O., back when we liked GOT before GOT was cool. Now that we’re both ex-designers… let’s hang out?

Treds and Propper: Treds, you made my semester as an assistant incredible. Stay away from the trees. Propper, I loved watching you pace back and forth with your recorder all night. I’ll always think of you two when I use the bathroom.

Gloria Allred: Thanks for giving me a reason to befriend David Propper. And for the exclusive invites.

Laurence: I think everyone secretly wishes they knew copy like you did. Life would be far easier. Good luck at The Oregonian, we’ll miss you.

Photo: Chase, watching you grow this year has been rewarding, and I’m so excited to see you go for semester three. Let’s talk photo sometime. Sam, Luke — writing this in real time. @smaller18 @lukeraff . I’m bewildered at how talented you both are as freshman, and you’re both so fun.

Lizzie: You constantly impress me — from your work on the redesign to being a lovely boss. Thanks for trusting me with the job.

Micah- You make the paper beautiful. I wish you, and your mom, the best of luck.

Kristin and Avery — This isn’t goodbye because I can’t bear to be without you two. You’ll do great next semester, Kristin, and whenever you’re down, Avery and I will come in to flaunt our freedom to you — and also bring you food.

Iseman: Well … countdown ended. Look back at everything you did with pride — you earned it. I know you’re excited to graduate, but I’m sad that you are. I’ll really miss our bitter party of two.

Wilson and Klinger: I can hear you guys talk about D.O. sports for hours. No really, I’ve sat through it countless times. Your energy’s inspirational — you’ll rock the section like a wagon wheel. Drive Maddy crazy for me, and GO USA!

Casey: You’ve grown from my North Virginian, should-be-the-J.-Crew-campus-rep assistant to a confident go-getter. Remember that the greatest EICs are those willing to try the unthinkable. Make Karen and John proud.

Jess: You hit the ground running the moment I hired you. You get my administration jokes, protest and light up after three-hour interviews with cranky professors. America will miss you, but I will more.

Dylan: You’re the most brilliant person at The D.O. I’m excited to pick up the paper and see those Segelbaum investigation bylines, and even more excited to hang out with you on your off nights.

Vandy: “Say a prayer, but let the good times roll.” You had my back all of last semester, and this semester, and yesterday… you’re a wildly good writer and a wildly better friend.

Maddy: God, you’re so charming. Step up to the role and make it yours — I can’t think of anyone more qualified. I expect lots of MGMT snapchats!

Mer: You’re the one I’m most proud of. I’ll never regret hiring the copy editor who bombed the copy test, but still had an energy unmatched by no one. News editor will only make you stronger.

Bouv: da · Bouv (noun) 1. One who wears cute lil’ Ugg boots. The better to curb stomp you with. You’ve been my mentor for three semesters and I can’t thank you enough. I miss the days when Rach and I would hear you come up the stairs muttering about rolling out a window. “Aha! Da Bouv is here,” we’d say. “She’s da best EVA.”

Liz: We have that telepathic thing only people who sleep (nap) together have. You led an incredible News section. Thanks for letting me call you in a panic all the time, for being a great wing woman and for calling me on my birthday to tell me Bernie Fine died. Beware of the elves.

Bernie: I owe my breaking news reporting ability, for the most part, to you.

Rachael: I’m delighted to say my best friend is the campus watchdog. Thanks for squirrely dance moves and porch talks and constant cynicism. Can’t wait to spend every day with you this summer.

Chelsea: My fondest D.O. memories are of our late nights in Pete’s office. You revolutionized Feature and are the one person who cared about what was best for me rather than the paper, and who’d come home with me after production for GOT and rotisserie chicken. What am I going to do without your wisdom for a semester?

Ankur: I owe you a lot. You were there for me when I needed a last-minute A1 graphic, a Futurama meme during head eds or a fortune cookie from your Number 1 Kitchen order. When I think of The D.O., I think of you. You’re a damn good designer — yes, I’m jealous — and you’re only getting better. Oh! Also, 75 days left. #kloutbattle2012

Stephen: You’re the most courageous person I know. You calmly embrace everything with open arms, whether it’s a tiny suspension or a totaled car or a frazzled, frizzy-haired assistant news editor. I’ve never been more excited for D.O. sports because I’ve never been more excited for you. I’m still as giddy about you as I was a year ago, and can’t wait to see you tonight. And tomorrow. And the day after that, too.

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