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Academic avengers: Students sign up for fall classes, prepare to kick some asses

At a university where supplemental food and printing money is given out in SUpercard Food and SUpercard Plus increments, it is only natural superhuman students should be the result. With class registration just around the corner, base your schedule around a superhero of your choice.


CHE 113: “Introduction to Forensic Science”

Anyone who likes Batman even a little knows the guy is a genius when it comes to scoping out a crime scene. While flying around in a black cape fighting bad guys doesn’t look great on a résumé when hired by a detective agency, few in the business have the intuitive skills of the winged hero. Find your forensic skills and bring yourself closer to being the best Batman you can be.

EEE 370: “Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises”

This is for the Bruce Wayne of your Batman persona, the daytime Adonis who watches over his booming enterprise while simultaneously staying buff for his nighttime escapades. Keep your business savvy up so that your company doesn’t lose stock, distracting from your ability to keep Gotham City safe at night.

PED 266: “Advanced Karate”

Though Syracuse University is not officially partnered with the League of Shadows, an aspiring vigilante with a distaste for guns can still go a long way by taking one of the karate classes offered by the School of Education. If you end up arguing with a student who wants to be just like villainous Bane, you really don’t want to be unprepared.


PPE 177: “Introduction to Health and Physical Education”

The Hulk is nothing if not an enormous bulking body ready to annihilate everyone in his path. While you can stay in shape from some frequent trips to Archbold or Ernie Davis gymnasiums, why not kill two birds with one stone and get some class credit for your fitness? Sign up for a high-level physical education class and you’ll be hulking in no time.

PSY 274: “Social Psychology”

For those trying to emulate the Hulk, there is one important thing to remember: People probably won’t like you when you’re angry. While this might be valuable as a superhero, it might start to have a negative effect on your social life if you can’t harness that frustration. Get involved in a social psychology class to become better acquainted with behavioral patterns and stay one step ahead of your own vicious temper.

BIO 211: “Introduction to Neuroscience”

Bruce Banner gets exposed to some really nasty gamma rays that ultimately turn him into the big, green bundle of anger and power that we know and love today. That little incident notwithstanding, Banner is a very accomplished scientist, and anyone trying to emulate him should brush up on the basics to correctly carry the Hulk banner.

Captain America

HST 308: “Recent History of U.S.: 1963 to present”

When it comes to being Captain America, there really isn’t any quality more important than being the most America-loving student you can be. Brush up on your history of the United States in order to completely envelop yourself in the patriotism that drives your favorite superhero every day.

PSC 125: “Political Theory”

While Captain America needs to be the ultra-American, first and foremost, you don’t want such a flashy ambassador of the U.S. of A to be ignorant of the political comings and goings of the country. While keeping patriotism at a high, put yourself into a political science class and learn about what’s happening around you, so that when someone comes at you with a problem, you can attack with your wit before you even need to pull out your red, white and blue shield.

DRA 371: “Stage Combat”

Captain America needs to be able to defend himself in hand-to-hand combat, and let’s face it, the dude is inherently a little theatrical. Not everybody rocks a Lycra red, white and blue suit just walking down the street. Take your theatrical flair to stage combat class and learn how to kick ass in a way that makes you look cool when the world is watching.


PED 262: “Gymnastics”

If you think scaling buildings and flying through the air in a perfect arc is easy on the body, you’ve got another thing coming. Spider-Man’s physical regimen is pretty hard to keep up, but practicing some tumbling and parallel bars might help you stay in the kind of shape you need to pull off those Spidey moves.

ETS 151: “Interpretation of Poetry”

Behind every Spider-Man is a Peter Parker. And let’s face it, Peter Parker is a hopeless romantic. While you’re trying to woo whoever in your life parallels the lovely Mary Jane, enroll yourself in a poetry class to hit her — or him — with some simply irresistible prose. Just be careful on the whole relationship front — with great power comes great responsibility.

PHO 301: “Introduction to Photography for Multimedia”

Peter Parker, the photographer, learned how to make a quick buck turning in his photos to the local newspaper, and you can, too. Take a class in photojournalism to up your knowledge on shooting the news, and turn your art into an employable craft. Warning: Your photojournalism professors might have some ethical issues with you taking pictures of yourself dressed up as a fighter of neighborhood crime.

But classes aren’t just for heroes. Sign up for courses to educate your inner evil:

Poison Ivy

ETS 360: “Reading Gender & Sexualities: Cinema & Sexual Difference”

Poison Ivy represents the femme fatale in a pretty epic fashion, and if you are a woman looking to use sexuality as a tool to your evil disposal, you can emulate this villainess by brushing up on your understanding of differences in gender roles and sexuality through this English course.

The Joker

HST 300.6: “Social Protest in the U.S.”

The Joker is one of the best and most famous anarchists depicted as a comic book anti-hero. If you, too, find yourself disillusioned by society and feel the need to let loose some of your most revolutionary thoughts, sign up for a class on social protest and get the chance to read about those who came before you.

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