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Heather Collura

Heather Collura

Spring 2005-Fall 2006

Asst. News Editor, Managing Editor, Editor in Chief

Rob: I don’t think I could ever thank you enough for all you have done for me the last year and a half. You have been my best friend, my sidekick and my biggest fan. I only hope that someday I can repay you for all you have given me. You have made me a better person and I hope that I can make you happy for the rest of your life. I love you.

Liz: Wow. My first Syracuse friend. You have been the BEST roommate a girl could ever ask for. You put up with me not being around, and my subsequent hurried messes, the entire semester. I am so excited for a semester full of cooking in our house, tons of Rachel and Paula, butter and queso (not together).

Pete: No matter what anyone says, The Daily Orange does have an advisor: you. You know more about running this place then the rest of us combined. I was honored to work with you. Your support always meant the most. Thanks for trusting in me and joining me on my wild ride. I hope we’ll get the chance to work together again in the future.

Kathy: You have been a blast to work with, even though it has only been for a short time. You know your stuff and will be doing some amazing things with the ad department. Thanks for Mondays.

Ad staff: I was so happy to get to meet all of you. While editorial doesn’t say it enough, we couldn’t do what do without all of you. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Jess and Alyssa: thanks so much for coming to the retreat!

Tim: You never cease to amaze me. I have learned so much about you, whether it be from working with you, the crazy car ride to the retreat or from hysterical stories Rob tells me about Shaw 3. You are an amazing, and dare I say multifaceted, person. Thanks for all you have done for me. Thanks for John Irby too. You really saved the day on that project.

Alex: From the Watergate to The D.O. you and I have known each other a long time. I’m not going to lie, I was scared of you in D.C. but I am glad I let myself get to know you. No matter what happened I can honestly say you were the only editor I ever worked with who could put our disagreements behind us and be nice again five minutes later. Thanks for that.

Nick: You have done an amazing job stepping up the plate so quickly. You and Rick, while I often confused your names, are an amazing team. Remember what I said about getting your columnists in for meetings. You’re on the right track bud, just step up the game. And stop hating on New Jersey.

Rick: I didn’t get a chance to look for that Nintendo stuff yet. E-mail me and I’ll see if I can find it.

Kelsey: You are a great editor and a great classmate. The D.O. is going to miss you while you’re Mickey Mouse-ing it up in Orlando. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Evan: You are an amazing artist and an amazing employee. I think I speak for Ben and myself when I say thanks for chiming into our conversations. It was hysterical and we loved it.

Eric: I am so glad Laura conned you into applying a year ago. You have been an amazing asset to the News department. Please know I am always here for you. Keep the faith.

Erin Fitz: COM 100! I still can’t believe you converted to newspaper and I finally suckered you into working at The D.O. While I am sad you’re only sticking around for a semester, trust me, I understand why. I’m sure I’ll see you around!

Eric Meyers: Our town rivalry will always live on. Good luck with Recorder.

Casey: Thanks for stepping up whenever we needed you to. You’re a true team player.

Conroy: Branson was a blast. I’ll never forget your nugget of wisdom from the romance novel assignment. Just let that marinate for a minute.

Sports: Berman, I have no worries that you’ll take good care of that section. Having debates/conversations with you was always a blast. Gelb, you’re a great guy, but watch out who you turn into. Stay true to yourself. Jackie: You are an inspiration to watch being a woman among all those men. Thanks for coming to The D.O. Now, enjoy London!

Ma, Dad, Matt: Thank you for supporting me no matter what I decided to do with my life. All I want is to make you proud.

Megan: Hang in there babe. You are one of the strongest women I know. You’ll get through this. And now I am here to help.

Dakota, Rusty, Q-tip (Seamus and Clancy too): Meow.

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